Saturday, November 19, 2022

What does a man crave? A guide for women to satisfy their man

 To have a successful relationship, both the man and the woman must want to understand each other. It is not about selfish desires, but there must be that innate impetus to want to learn more about what the other party wants.

If a woman wants to understand her man, she must want to find out what is intrinsically his likes, his dislikes, his deep seated desires. It must not be what she thinks he likes, or what women magazines say a man likes.

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Each man is different, and while there can be generalities, the reality is no two men are the same. It is erroneous to paint all men with the same brush so to speak. Each man has his own history, experiences, and background that affects his general choice.

Contrary to popular belief men are not complicated. The mystery  with trying to finding out what a man truly desires cannot be derived through the lens of a woman. If you truly want to know what a man craves (whether it be sexual, choice of women,  etc) only a man can really give proper insight. It is commonly said that if women see shades of gray, then a man sees black and white.

Check out this great resource

So to answer the question for the women i terms of how do I satisfy my man?, and what does he crave? You can only find that out from him. To prepare yourself for the answers, there must be no preconceived notions, no disappointment in terms of what he divulges, and there can be no comparisons to the way a woman thinks. This unfortunately is the problem with most failed relationships.

Here is a great eBook to help you understand dating

In order for the relationship to grow, the woman must be open to change, to understand, and to appreciate her man and what he desires. Most often what turns a man on sexually is a huge part of the relationship. He will tell you if you ask him in a loving, and understanding way. The question or tone of the conversation must not be condescending and disgust, but one of appreciation, and willingness to learn.

If the woman truly appreciates her man, then this is the attitude and deportment that will bring her satisfaction and a long lasting relationship, because she would then understand what a man truly craves.

To learn more about how to satisfy your man, here is a great resource that will help you on your journey.

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