Thursday, December 29, 2022

The top three (3) causes of belly fat, and how to get rid of them

 Although through social media and even main stream media, many advocate for body positivism and no to fat shaming, Gyms everywhere are increasing in membership. According gym membership is expected to grow by 7.7 percent annually between 2020 to 2024. Check the statistics here

What this means is that although there is a call to stop criticizing body image, the general consensus is the world wants to look better, sexier, and live a healthier life.

Most if not everyone would love to have a more healthier, more athletic looking build. Not only is it more pleasing to the eyes, but one feels more confident and proud to have a sexy bod. One with less belly fat. 

So in this season of much food and drink, if your are more conscious of  your BMI, weight, and or belly fat, then here are the top 3 cause of belly fat, and you can get rid of them.

1. Too Much Sugar or Refined Carbs in the Diet

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The debate over whether sugar or refined carbs are worse for you has been raging for decades. The most recent studies have shown that sugar is more harmful than refined carbs, but this is still a point of contention with many health experts.

Some people believe that it is important to limit your intake of both sugars and refined carbs, while others believe that it's better to focus on limiting your intake of sugar.

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2. Not Enough Protein in the Diet

Protein is a vital macro-nutrient for the human body. It is important for growth, development and maintenance of muscle mass.

The most common sources of protein are meat, fish and eggs. But there are other sources as well which can provide adequate protein in the diet if one is not able to consume animal proteins. These include soy products, beans and lentils, tofu, peas and nuts.

There are many benefits of including these plant-based proteins in the diet. They are a good source of fiber

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which helps with digestion and weight loss. And they also contain a lot less saturated fat than animal protein which reduces risks of heart diseases such as high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure.

3. Lack of Exercise

 Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of poor health and decreased productivity. People who don't exercise often have problems with their heart, lungs, skin and other internal organs. Plus, people who don't exercise often have lower productivity at work or school. Exercise has many health benefits; anyone who wants to be healthy should make it a priority to stay active.

 Physical activity has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. It helps keep you healthy by improving your cardiovascular system, strength, joints and muscles. In addition, regular exercise helps you lose weight and stay healthy while enjoying the benefits of intense exercise. People who are physically active also have less anxiety, depression, insomnia and stress. Exercise helps you stay happy and healthy in all aspects of your life.

Exercise can also help people with mental health issues. People who are mentally healthy feel better about themselves and are generally happier. They are able to better cope with stress and keep their moods stable. Exercise also helps people with anxiety disorder overcome their fears by building strong muscles and increasing his appetite for food. Regular exercise allows people to stay healthy and happy in all areas of their life.

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It's important to note that not everyone needs exercise to stay healthy- but everyone should at least try it out. Exercise has many mental health benefits; for that reason, most people who are mentally healthy want to exercise regularly. However, they don't feel as good without regular exercise. In addition, people with mental health issues should always exercise as part of their treatment plan. Doing so helps the person get better and stay active while getting treatment. No one should feel ashamed of asking for help with mental health problems while staying physically active at the same time.

 The above points outline how physical inactivity negatively affects our physical and mental health. However, working out regularly can improve both areas of our health by strengthening our muscles and increasing our appetite for food and sleep. As such, we need to make time for regular physical activity in order to stay healthy and happy. 

Here is a valuable resource that you would find helpful in your weight loss Journey.

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