Friday, November 25, 2022

How to make money online with your Blog

How to make money online with your Blog

     OK, so you have wanted to get onto the blogging train for quite sometime now, and you have finally made it. You have hopped onto a reliable blogging service provider like Blogger or WordPress, and you have even carved out a suitable niche for yourself. Your enthusiasm level is high and you are enjoying your new hobby as an online blogger.

    So now with this new hobby, it is indeed rewarding, not just by the audience the you are cultivating day by day, but also your new blogging project can actually earn you money. 1. Affiliate marketing

   Yes indeed, what if I told you that there are millions of people world wide that are making money online (world wide) with their blog posts, and some have even quit their 8-4 Jobs and are making  decent incomes.

   If this is what you have been searching for, and if you are interested in making money online from your blog posts, here are 3 ways that you can make money online with your blog.

                                       1. Affiliate marketing

      This method is the easiest way to start making money with your blog.

It does not require a huge audience, in fact you can be brand new to the industry with not a single blog subscriber, and still make money with your posts.

Here is how:-

a. Sign up to an affiliate program. There are many to choose from. Ebay, Amazon, and Clickbank are 3 quick and easy ones that you can start with right now with no hassle.

b. After signing up, you will be given your unique affiliate link also known as a hop-link. The hop-link is generated when you find that product to promote. A quick tip is to promote products that are high in demand. In that way you are guaranteed sales because these products will have a high search rate. 

c. Write a blog post giving quality information about an associated topic concerning the product or item you are promoting. For example. If you are promoting a weight loss supplement, a good idea would be to write about the benefits of supplementing your diet when working out; or how the body repairs itself after workout. Then you can link the product in your post by using the edit link tool above in your blog. When anyone clicks the link in your post, and purchases the product you earn a commission. Its that easy to start and does not necessarily need a huge following. Just a decent traffic flow, and you can get that quickly from Tik Tok Instagram or both.

2. Google Adsense

     You can leverage the power and might of Google to your posts in order to make money with your blog. This one will require you to have a decent following to your blog and a high click through rate for your posts.


According to Google "The way AdSense works is by serving ads that are relevant to the content appearing on a specific page of your blog. For example, if your blog is about adventure travel and you’ve just uploaded a post about a trip to Rekyavik, AdSense might show an ad about travel insurance, Iceland or warm clothing. As the owner of the site where the ad is appearing, AdSense pays you when a user views or interacts with an ad".

With the ability to make online ads relevant to the content and readership of your blog, many advertisers are keen to pay a premium price for your ad space".

Yep you heard it right from the "Horse's Mouth", so this strategy means that your blog is doing quite well, people are reading your content in droves, and Google wants to get in on the action.

Here is a post answer on Quora that speaks specifically about the requirements of Google Adsense. I'm pretty sure you will find it very informative.

3. Lastly, Promote your business or product.

This one is sort of an indirect way of making money with your blog.

Instead of making money directly with your blog this is more of the blog driving traffic to your business and or product. Google should not be the only one deriving profits from your hard work as a blogger. You should be able to benefit solely from that as well.

Here is what I mean.

So just picture that you are a budding author. You just wrote your first action and adventure novel and it's great, but no one knows about you or the book.

However you have a blog that has amass a decent following over the years. You can take advantage of that by guiding your subscribers to your book and or product. And these in my opinion are the best 3 ways in order to make money with your blog post.

If this post was informative to you and found value in it consider subscribing for more tips like this on how you can make money online.

If writing is your passion, then here is another source that can assist you in making money online.

Become a subscriber and follow me on YouTube for more.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

3 Winter D.I.Y Projects You can finish in Just one weekend.


        Assuming you love dealing with things around the house, decreasing temperatures concoct for the ideal rationalization to move projects inside. In any event, for the people who are not of the helpful sort, the prospect of saving money on service bills would make anybody leap off the lounge chair. Utilize these 3 ideas underneath as your colder time of year upkeep agenda to give your home the wow factor it merits with perfect timing for spring.

1. Repaint Your Insides

          Painting your inside walls is the ideal winter home improvement project with high effect results  for a moderately minimal expense. For the people who don't want to paint the sum of a room, painting a highlight wall or the roof are options that give comparative impacts. By only changing or sprucing up the variety and surface of inside walls, a prompt change to the general look and feel of your home can be accomplished. Likewise, the most common way of painting in itself gives a lot of visual feeling that lights up temperaments on the dreariest of days.

    The chilly climate and dryness of the cold weather months makes ideal circumstances for drying paint. Windows should be aired out to allow in natural air and permit paint to dry, so try to actually take a look at ahead on the weather conditions conjecture. There's nothing similar to rain or a blizzard that will hose your composition endeavors. Likewise, consider buying non-poisonous, eco-accommodating paint marks that will safeguard the soundness of family individuals while limiting how much time windows should be left open.

2. Give Your Kitchen A Face lift

    Redesigning cabinetry or putting resources into refreshed machines need not be important while giving your kitchen a face-lift. For instance, introducing a new back splash can add effect and refinement to any obsolete kitchen for a small part of the expense. From intense and brilliant examples to impartial and repressed tones, mortgage holders have free rule while selecting plans. The right back splash will help decorate ledges and stress cupboards. For leaseholders or those searching for a simpler update, artificial stick-and-strip items are additionally accessible. Notwithstanding which course you take, make certain to investigate the instruments and materials required.

Another colder time of year home improvement project that can without much of a stretch be executed in one end of the week is changing the equipment on your cabinetry. In the event that your ongoing equipment looks obsolete or is giving indications of mileage, changing them out requires only a couple of devices and a couple of hours of your time. New equipment can be requested internet based through any home improvement retailer and doesn't need going out.

For more winter D.I.Y Projects check out this resource 

3. Spruce Up Your Restroom

Like executing a kitchen face-lift, refreshing the washroom need not be costly or relentless. Most washrooms are generally little in size, so the littlest of changes can give a major effect. During the virus cold weather months, warm hot showers joined with shut off windows makes the ideal recipe for shape and mold development. In the first place, spruce up the washroom with a profound clean, trailed by re-grouting around tile.

Little, reasonable updates incorporate supplanting equipment, like the sink spigot, or painting a complement wall. Further develop lighting by introducing Drove light strips around a mirror or inside bureau entryways. Washroom capacity can without much of a stretch be improved by putting in new racking or adding take out drawers inside cupboards. Last, yet not least, the adequacy of essentially changing out towels or shower shades in making a refreshed look ought to be acknowledged with a sober mind.

Fore More Helpful Do It Yourself Projects, Click Here

Monday, November 21, 2022

The most effective weight loss method ever

 OK so I'm going to be just totally honest here. and this is something most weight loss gurus and or programs wont tell you. The truth is there is no one most effective way to loose weight.

This is simply because each individual is different and you just have to find that program that works uniquely for you.

So yes sure, there is the basic formula for weight loss which is putting the body into a Ketosis state, which is optimal for weight loss. The ketosis state is where the body begins to burn fat as fuel in order to facilitate the weight loss.

Check out this Valuable resource for more

Therefore the diet is important in order to facilitate this and also the time of workout is also equally important. bearing these two elements in mind automatically means that everyone's weight loss method will be different. 

Also check out this eBook, It'c completely free. It will help you, in your weight loss journey.

Chiefly because age is a factor, sex (i.e male/female) is also a factor, BMI or body mass index is also a factor and each person's metabolic rate (or energy expended over time) is also to be considered.

So to answer our opening question, after taking all of the above into account the answer will depend on your age, sex, BMI and metabolic rate. in order to determine the best weight loss program for you.

If you want to know more on this topic please check out this valuable resource

The Best way to keep your Brain Sharp


    Are you having a "senior moment" where you can't remember why you went into the kitchen or a person's name in a conversation? Don't worry, it happens to everyone. But don't worry, getting older doesn't necessarily mean you'll start to lose your mind. In fact, significant cognitive decline in older adults is usually not due to aging but rather to medical conditions, brain injuries, or neurological diseases.

But don't despair! You can help prevent mental decline and lower your risk of dementia by following a few simple healthy habits:

Staying physically active
Getting enough shut-eye
Ditching the smokes
Having a strong social network
Limiting alcohol to one drink per day
Eating a Mediterranean diet
So go ahead and embrace your "senior moments." And remember, a healthy lifestyle can help keep your mind sharp for years to come.

Check out this valuable resource for more

     Dealing with memory loss and other mental changes can be confusing and frustrating, but the good news is that thanks to years of research, there are ways to keep your mind active and healthy. Here are a few techniques you can try:

1. Continue to learn

    Want to keep your mind sharp as you get older? According to experts, getting a higher education may be the key. It's thought that the mental challenges of higher education can help keep key areas of memory strong and get you into the habit of being mentally active. And speaking of mental activity, challenging your brain with puzzles, games, and other mentally-stimulating activities is believed to help maintain and even improve your brain cells and their communication with each other. But don't worry, if you didn't go to college you can still keep your brain in tip-top shape. Just try taking on a new hobby, learning a new skill, volunteering, or tutoring. These activities can all help keep your mind sharp as a tack.

2. Focus on your mind use

      Are you tired of constantly losing your keys or forgetting important dates? Don't worry, you're not alone. But the good news is that by using some helpful tools like phone reminders, calendars, organizers, shopping lists, and address books, you can free up some mental energy and focus on learning and remembering new, important things. And don't forget to give your frequently-used items a designated spot in your home, like a designated key hook or a special place for your purse. This way you'll always know exactly where to find them and you won't have to waste time and energy searching for them.

3. Space it out

    Want to supercharge your learning and memory? Try using the power of repetition, but be sure to do it right. Don't try to cram all the information into your brain at once, like you're packing for a test. Instead, try reviewing the basics at progressively longer intervals - an hour, then every few days, then weekly, etc. Spacing out your study sessions can help reinforce your memory and is especially helpful when you're trying to master complex information, like the details of a new job. Just be careful not to overdo it - you don't want to bore yourself to death with repetition!  

If you want to learn More, check out this valuable resource

Sunday, November 20, 2022

The 3 most effective methods to change negative mindset

 The 3 most effective methods to change negative mindset

      Negative thoughts plague us everyday, and if we are not careful we will fall prey to its deadly consequences.

     I am glad that you have decided to read this post. It means that you have finally decided to do something about those negative thoughts that have kept you in mental slavery for such a long time. Without wasting anymore time, here are 3 of the most effective ways to change a negative mindset forever.

1. Have Everyday Negative Idea Time

      A perplexing system to deal with negative reasoning is to focus on 10 minutes daily ruminating and looking into them again and again. Negative Idea Time (NTT) should be 10 minutes and should be consistently. At the point when you have a negative idea during the day, write it down, and let yourself know that you'll survey them during NTT. Over the long haul, you will acquire control and negative reasoning will stop.

Here is a resource that you would find valuable

2. Supplant the Negative Considerations

      We don't conquer negative idea designs, we supplant them. For the greater part of us, those negative idea designs are all around worn brain processes. Four basic advances:

a. Notice when you have begun the example.

b. Recognize that its an example you need to change.

c. Articulate what you need to appear as something else.

d. Pick an alternate way of behaving — one that serves your objectives.

3. Be Your Own Closest companion

      We constantly mistreat ourselves. Almost 90% of self-talk is negative. Three stages:

a. Discharge it. Let it out to help process, not to abide. Three minutes, then the pity party is finished.

b. Track it. Recognize when you have negative considerations. Mindfulness will empower rethinking.

c. Reevaluate it. When you know why you are being mean, consider what your closest companion would agree to you. Then let yourself know what you really want to hear.

Get more methods on this valuable subject here

Become a better you today.

Upgrade The Quality of your videos online with this Ring light set up


A ring light is a must have for those must see Tik Tok Videos and also your next viral YOU-TUBE video.
If you want to become the next viral sensation then a ring light is a must have. 

Check out the video above to hear what professional photographers are saying about ring lights, and their effects on your video production.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Discover How To Become Whole Mentally/Physically/Spiritually


So its 2023 and like most people world wide you want to focus on yourself more in this new epoch of time.  

If this describes your mental state right now, then read on. 

Wanting to take some time for you is a natural state of being. In fact how can you take care of anyone else if at first you don't take care of you?

Well here are some tips on how you can focus on you by putting emphasis on the 3 major areas that make you who you are. These are:-

  1. The mental you
  2. The physical you & of course..
  3. The Spiritual you

Becoming whole mentally, physically, and spiritually is a journey that requires dedication, self-reflection, and a willingness to make positive changes in your life. Here are some steps you can take to become whole in each of these areas:


    Seek therapy or counseling to address any mental health issues or traumas you may be dealing with.
Practice mindfulness and other forms of meditation to help you focus on the present moment and cultivate a sense of calm.
Set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them, as this can help you feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who can encourage and inspire you.
Take care of your physical health, as this can have a big impact on your mental well-being.


    Exercise regularly to improve your physical fitness and overall health.
Eat a healthy and balanced diet to nourish your body and mind.
Get enough sleep to allow your body to rest and recharge.
Take breaks and practice self-care to prevent burnout and maintain your physical and emotional well-being.


    Reflect on your values and beliefs to gain a better understanding of what is most important to you.
Practice gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Engage in activities that bring you a sense of peace and fulfillment, such as yoga, meditation, or volunteering.
    Seek out spiritual practices or communities that align with your beliefs and values.
Remember that becoming whole is a lifelong journey and it is okay to take your time and work at your own pace. It is also important to be kind to yourself and remember that it is okay to ask for help when you need it.

Simple things that you can start right now to transform yourself into that new you you've always wanted.
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How to grow your Instagram Account from scratch!


So I am glad that you have decided to read this Web Log cause it means that you are truly interested in growing your Instagram  account.

For some account holders its very easy, especially if you are an Instagram model or if you have nice cars or maybe an influencer.

But how does one grow his/her Instagram channel, and you are not a model, or travel aficionado?

Check out this great resource

The answer might just be more simple than you think.  

here are a few tips that can help.

1. Post daily. It will surprise you how consistently posting to your account adds growth.

2.  Try posting 30 second videos on Instagram reels. The short video format is now all the rave, thanks to Tik Tok and Instagram has joined the party. If you have a Tik Tok account then just add your videos to your Instagram reels and watch your account grow.

3. Share your Instagram post to Twitter and Facebook. Your Instagram account may not be growing because you are not sharing your content. People always want to see something new. How you live, what you see, or is it funny. The lists are endless Start sharing to other platforms to increase organically.

4. Find out from others how they grew their account. this is another way in which you can grow your account. Simply by engaging with others. Maybe you can learn a thing or two by finding out what others are doing that you are not.

Check out this guide on how to grow your Instagram account now! 

What does a man crave? A guide for women to satisfy their man

 To have a successful relationship, both the man and the woman must want to understand each other. It is not about selfish desires, but there must be that innate impetus to want to learn more about what the other party wants.

If a woman wants to understand her man, she must want to find out what is intrinsically his likes, his dislikes, his deep seated desires. It must not be what she thinks he likes, or what women magazines say a man likes.

Learn More Here

Each man is different, and while there can be generalities, the reality is no two men are the same. It is erroneous to paint all men with the same brush so to speak. Each man has his own history, experiences, and background that affects his general choice.

Contrary to popular belief men are not complicated. The mystery  with trying to finding out what a man truly desires cannot be derived through the lens of a woman. If you truly want to know what a man craves (whether it be sexual, choice of women,  etc) only a man can really give proper insight. It is commonly said that if women see shades of gray, then a man sees black and white.

Check out this great resource

So to answer the question for the women i terms of how do I satisfy my man?, and what does he crave? You can only find that out from him. To prepare yourself for the answers, there must be no preconceived notions, no disappointment in terms of what he divulges, and there can be no comparisons to the way a woman thinks. This unfortunately is the problem with most failed relationships.

Here is a great eBook to help you understand dating

In order for the relationship to grow, the woman must be open to change, to understand, and to appreciate her man and what he desires. Most often what turns a man on sexually is a huge part of the relationship. He will tell you if you ask him in a loving, and understanding way. The question or tone of the conversation must not be condescending and disgust, but one of appreciation, and willingness to learn.

If the woman truly appreciates her man, then this is the attitude and deportment that will bring her satisfaction and a long lasting relationship, because she would then understand what a man truly craves.

To learn more about how to satisfy your man, here is a great resource that will help you on your journey.

Friday, November 18, 2022

How Do I train my dog?

Training a dog can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your pet. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Start early: It's easier to train a dog when they are young and still learning.

2. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats, praise, and toys when they do something you want them to do. Avoid using punishment, as this can lead to fear and aggression.

3. Be consistent: Use the same commands and rewards every time you train your dog. This will help them understand what you want from them.

4. Keep training sessions short and fun: Dogs have short attention spans, so keep training sessions short (around 15-20 minutes) and mix in some playtime to keep it fun for them.

5. Practice regularly: Training should be an ongoing process, not just a one-time event. Practice with your dog regularly to help them retain their training.

Here is a valuable resource that you would find helpful

    Here are some basic commands you can start with: 

Sit: Hold a treat in front of your dog's nose and move it up and over their head, so they follow the treat with their nose and sit down. As soon as they sit, say "sit" and give them the treat. 

Stay: Tell your dog to "stay" and hold up a hand in a stop gesture. Take a step back and gradually increase the distance between you and your dog as they become more reliable at staying. 

Come: Use a high-pitched, happy voice to call your dog to you. You can also use a clicker or a special treat to reward them when they come to you. Remember to be patient and consistent, and to always reward your dog for good behavior. With time and practice, you'll be able to teach your dog a variety of commands and tricks.

How do canines learn?

    If you're a new dog owner, you may want to consider enrolling in a obedience class or hiring a professional trainer to help you get started. These resources can provide valuable guidance and support as you work to train your dog.

Here is a resource that you will find very helpful, in assisting you with training your pet.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

3 Work from home jobs you can do from anywhere in the World with no start up cost.


The global pandemic has changed the world landscape forever. Large companies, and in fact all companies for that matter has come to realize that in order for their business models to thrive in any environment an online aspect must be installed.

Not only businesses but every individual must be able to have a job that is sustainable even if another pandemic hits. The only income streams that were not affected by the pandemic were online businesses. IN fact not only did they thrive, they increased. Tik Tok that is not even an eCommerce website grew by leaps and bounds, and it also made the giant of internet  companies like Facebook, google, Instagram etc to change their platforms to include the short video format.

So for all those looking for ways to make make money online or even start an online business, here are 3 ways that you can  make money online from anywhere in the world, with zero start up cost. You would just need, a phone, laptop, tablet or desktop with a suitable internet connection to start. If you don't have an internet connection then a web cafe or WIFI hot spot with a strong signal can also work.

1. Start an online Course.

Or on the other hand go past composing a digital book and make an entire web-based course with instructional exercises, PDF downloads and recordings. It's an extraordinary method for making automated revenue since individuals will pay for the data and can go at their own speed or post questions connected with the course in a committed gathering. Here's one asset for making and selling on the web courses: Learn Worlds, which makes it workable for anybody to benefit from their insight and experience by making an internet based program.

Skillshare, upwork, udemy, and even Youtube are all platforms that you can use for free.

If you have a skill in any area, then you can list these on any of the platform  listed above and start earning online for free.

2. Write and Ebook

Tap Into the digital book Business. The digital book business is an incredible method for bringing in cash. You can make your own (Ignite has an aide for how to get it done). Or on the other hand find a book that is as of now been distributed on paper and permit it to distribute on the web. You can pay the creator 8-15% eminences in view of net deals or a one-time installment for the web based distributing privileges.

Check out the amazon kindle platform and start writing about what your passionate about.

There are also many other websites such as click-bank etc that will allow you to sell your eBook and earn online without any initial investment.

3. Narrate an audio book

Turn into a Book recording Storyteller"Book recordings are an inexorably well known type of diversion. The comfort component of cell phones has prompted an industry blast," exhorts Global Living. "That is driving an interest for independent storytellers." This site has guidance on figuring out how to turn into a book recording storyteller.

Check out  and get started.

If you have a room with no outside interference and a decent audio set up, there are a lot of online companies that will pay you to narrate their books.

This is just an introductory.

Here is a another great resource that you can get great ideas from.

Meghan Markle (The Duchess of Sussex) Breaks the silence on Bullying

Meghan Markel admits to being bullied      Bullying is a topic that often gets brushed under the rug, but it’s an issue that hits home for ...